Monday, June 01, 2020

Next ONLINE game(s)

The eagle-eyed among you will notice a little count-down timer on the top left of the blog.

I will be using it to help identify what and when the next online game is planned.

The first one up is a little English Civil War game, and I stress game, called ECW D3, as put forward by Peter of grid based wargames.

game coming up on June 13, 2020
you will be able to follow along at

if you are keen to become a player in the live stream (this game is really fast once you understand it), contact me direct mail and I will get you the link.

Coming up in July will be the next big bash in the ECW war in the west campaign, Battle of Stoke Lane, to be played on July 12, 2020.  For active players there will also be a 'warm up' to the Star Wars Miniatures Battles system (from 1991) on July 11, 2020.

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