Four years ago I had put some of my painted toy soldiers for consignment sale at ABC Books in Courtenay. Imperial Guard Chasseurs a Cheval from 2007 Best Presentation Award Dak-Kon Convention Courtenay
Many were sold to a single gentleman for his grandson, then 8 years old. I was unaware of this at the time.

This past autumn I collected the few remaining, unsold, toys and found a faded post it note with Norman's phone number and the note:
"lead soldiers - different"
on one of the boxes.
Three weeks ago, I decided to call Norman.
He told me that only two days before he had been speaking with his grandson about what he wanted this year, they had discussed some new electronic gadgets or computing game software.
Later, when grandpa was gone, the boy asked his mother very quietly if grandpa could get Santa to bring some different solders for him to use with the red (British 1800's uniform) ones that he already had. Norman's daughter had told him about this that night, he had no idea how to find me or contact me in any way and he knew that there were no others toy soldiers similar in the shopping area of town.
Now here I was calling to him, the very next day.
Norman then asked if I had some that could be the 'other side' from the red uniforms, and he also said that his grandson was very well read on the period that the soldiers came from, so could these opponents be accurate as possible.
I had 60 French Imperial toy soldiers that had not been selling on eBay for months, not even anyone looking.
Grandpa took them straight away and I dropped off the package in person, one little 12 year old will be having a happy Christmas.

The spirit of Santa is alive and well, connecting little workshops like mine to the boys and girls that ask.
I hope that your spirit is lifted by this little tale and you remember to ask for what you want in your new year.