Cuckold Wee Come Parliament Horse Troop |
Bluebear Jeff again hosted the wonderful
Warr Without An Enemie ECW game on 26 June, this time the
battle of Montgomery.
Rob P was to command the Royalists and Jeff took on the Royalist horse.
I was alone to command the Parliamentarians.
So this was the set up for the largest battle in North Wales ... with my building Royalist forces having a Welsh flavor I believe this battle may be re-fought again some day.
We set up via the historical lay-out as given in the scenario, this left the Parliament with smaller horse forces on each flank and stretched out line of foot. While the Royalists had a double line of foot and a flank heavy in horse.
The Royalist troops were a mix of Rob's painting and Jeffs collection.
Parliament line looking from the far left |
Meldrum in command |
Horse on the Parliament left, facing twice their number in Royalist horse |
Royalist command from the center looking to their left at the foote brigade |
closer view of the foote brigade |
Rob P's wonderful painted troops with their new laser cut MDF bases |
Parliament center and command |
Royalist commander Sir John Byron |
The Royalist layout left one massive advantage for them to exploit, a cavalry charge on the Royalist right could sweep all the Parliament off the field.
field seen wide, Parliament is next to the river |
Sir John Meldrum, Parliament commander |
Parliament horse moved up to commence distant pistol shooting |
Royalist dragoons moved to invest an enclosed field. |
The Royalist line on the ridge top |
The next few turns were shooting from Parliament and charges by the Royalist horse.
Turn 3 the Parliament horse foraging parties returned.
Turn 4 and the Parliament left flank is being chewed up by the Royalist horse |
while on the Royalist left all those foote regiments were forming hedgehogs |
and taking fire from many surrounding horse troops |
an overview of the mass horse charge on the Parliament left, last time there were three Parliament horse troops |
The Royalists drove back the Parliament horse on the left, by turn 6 only one troop remained, though for the benefit of the Royalists they were able to 'reign in' a pursuing horse troop with a high enough die roll.
the lines were stable for a moment |
exchanges of feeble fire continued in the hedgehogs |
Royalist lines came off the hill with some DPs due to poor die rolls |
the final cavalry engagement that could hope to hold back the Royalist horse ... ultimately only one turn was able to be gained |
More rallies were needed all over the battlefield, and it was here that the +3 strength of the Parliament commanders got to show. For with a couple of good Command Points die rolls the Parliament forces were able to 'redress ranks' and build back into better ability than the Royalists could who had a couple of turns of below average Command Point rolls.
The moment of truth for Parliament, the forward hedgehog was at 4 DPs and two horse troops of equal number to the foote were in range to CHARGE! |
Derbyshire were 1/2 of the charge |
by now only one Royalist foote unit was still in line |
all the others were in hedgehogs |
Royalist horse was also worn down with 3 or 4 DPs on each unit and not enough CPs to recover all of them in one go |
Parliament horse had kept one unit alive on the flank and now they were shooting away at the Royalist horse |
while not 'secure' the flank was holding ... |
The last turn we played out was 11, by then the hedgehog had been broken, though not run off in rout, they were still fighting; now a loosing battle.
tabletop at game end, Parliament had cracked a hedgehog and not lost all of their own horse to do it |
Turns out we 're-created' the same results as came out in history at this battle, something that a simulation ought to be able to achieve.
Next up appears to be a re-fight of this battle, though this time using Black Powder rules with some ECW 'modifications'.