Another tabletop battle with my boys leading the way.
This time it was space game that the middle-son wanted and we did a battle.

The attackers were a bunch of misfits from an Imperial dominated world that were given an AT-ST to support their attack on some bunkers held by Space Pirates who had hired Ugnaughts as 'heavy hands' that were terrorizing the good 'tax-paying consumers' of the Imperial goods and services.

Just for good measure the Imperial high command had sent along a representative to ensure that everything went correctly. His escort was a Dark Trooper Phase-1.

The situation for the defenders was poor to start with and went bad quickly as the AT-ST's guns tore a hole in the electric fence, then disabled the power supply for the rest of the fence.

Not wanting to be outdone the Dark Trooper used his jump-jets to decend into the trench that a bunch of Pirates had dug for support between two of their bunkers.
On landing he took out the squad leader then kept four Ugnaughts at bay while taking them down one at a time.

Meanwhile the local militia had advanced into the breach in the electric fence while the AT-ST's rapid fire cannon was keeping a squad pinned in a bunker.
The Dark Trooper was strong, but not strong enough as one of the Ugnaughts got a lucky shot at him and broke through his armor.
The Imperial Rep., not wanting to loose the situation as well as his bodyguard ordered the STAR DESTROYER in orbit to commence a bombardment on the nearby bunkers.

The end of the situation for the Pirates consisted of their fleeing into the last bunker as the Imperial Star Destroyer completed the ORBITAL BOMBARDMENT taking them out as the local militia and AT-ST fled the area!