The third battle in our three-column campaign turned out to be the best of the three, with both of the "3" rated commanders present to tangle.
My freshly painted Bavarian troops also make their tabletop debut!
I have finished the painting of a Bavarian division so that the French could field three full divisions in future games (now I shall have to look into getting some proper Portuguese troops finished so that the Anglo forces could do the same). So with their first appearance - and not under my command - I was keen to see how they would perform.
A rough version of the map
an odd placement put the Bavarian div on the French left with the Dragoons sandwiched in the middle
We later learned that the French command staff work was terrible in doing the map sketch leaving not enough room for the divisions to deploy ...
The Bavarian div was going to make a left hook around the rough ground
Anglo forces had a similar odd deployment of artillery among the rocks
Bavarian Jaeger force leading the way
more of the Bavarian div (first table appearance ever)
view from the French far left
looking back towards the French left, Bavarian div command in center
Looking to the right from French command
Anglo command had the horse at the ready ...
okay last overview of the new Bavarian Division
The first moves were very slow as the rough ground slowed everyone down.
Turn 2 table overview from French left :: Anglo right
French Dragoon Div broke out into the rough ground to get a closer view of Anglo actions
French central division pounded away with artillery, scoring many hits
Anglo officers were sent out to shift the facing and orders of the right division in the rough ground to counter the moves of the Bavarian Div
Anglo Portuguese troops quickly occupied the central town
French command stand, featuring my version of Ney
Anglo commands, featuring Wellsley and Uxbridge
first clash of arms came in turn 3
60th rifles skirmishing with Bavarian Jaeger force while the rest of the Bavarian div marches past
Anglo troops in rough ground struggle to maneuver and change facing
Bavarian columns press on past the rough ground
horse artillery now positioning to support Bavarian Div move on flank
I was reminded that the day, 19th September 2020, was also talk like a pirate day, so I pulled out my jolly roger and included it on a quiet table sector.
turn 4 and the Anglo forces have not finished their re-deployment
Bavarian div surges forward
view from Anglo right wing across the line
on the left an Anglo-Portugese force was climbing the steep hill
while French Dragoons had moved again to have an overview of the whole field (nearly in the center!)
hill on the French right was going to be busy!
Turn 5 field view
Bavarian div was now combining with French horse artillery with devastating effect
Portuguese troops were pushed out of the town by British Elites and Guardsmen
the hill on the French right was now occupied by British battalions a volley exchange was coming up!
turn 6 overview - the Bavarian Jaegers had thrown back horse!
though taking casualties the Bavarian Div held a supported line!
Bavarian Jaegers made history by throwing off a cavalry charge and then surviving a point-blank artillery fire!
French horse guns continued a barrage with deadly effect
French foot gunners continued to fire at British elite infantry while taking massive casualties (2/3 of this battery dead) from British horse artillery in the opposite rough ground
Turn 7 overview
Bavarian miracle Jaegers continue to hold the front line!
support troops are taking casualties, just not enough to break
overview of the French left wing now beating back the Anglo forces in the rough ground
both the Bavarian and Anglo Division commanders seen here
different angle of the confused fighting in the rough ground on the Anglo right
on the French right, the combined line and second rate force were out-shooting the opposing British line ...
Turn 8, the knife's edge now with the French just barely ahead of the British
Portuguese battalion is smashed by French Dragoons
hill on the French right saw one British battalion flee from the firefight
leaving the remaining battalion having to hold the top of the hill outnumbered 3:1
unable to break the Bavarian div, the British were content to keep it contained
a charge threat to the Anglo headquarters was stopped by accurate gunnery
continued barrages from the French artillery shattered an Elite British unit
while the French stormed the top of the right steep hill and smashed the Anglo-Portugese forces there
all that remained were the Elite & Guards in the town, since the French Dragoon division had been broken they were able to withdraw under the cover of the damaged Light Dragoons
Result: French Victory!
This placed the Campaign round robin at 2:1 in favor of the French who would now advance into Portuguese territory for the Championship battle.
We diced for a more complex terrain and set-up:
two map-halves were joined
After dicing for each map half, the players then were assigned which base-edge they would come 'from' and then choose to center forces on 'left - center (or) - right', both selected 'center", which then set the final map form:
Now we had the general map for the Championship battle, to come in the last Saturday in September, the 26th - if weather held, we might also do the game outside.
Sadly, just like the game before, battlefield B, this time I could not get the twitch broadcast to work and I have no video of the game. Thankfully we did get the video out to Chris, our long-distance player.
Next up: Championship battle!