Again the forces of Alpia and Vile Stagonia came to clash, this time over cupcakes in the little village in the Alpian foothills.
Stagonian pike and shotte marching in column |
The players had experienced the game system, Victory Without Quarter, once before, though as subordinates - this time they would be solo commanders.
table at start |
Alpian left wing |
Alpian center |
Alpian right wing |
Stagonian right wing |
Stagonian center |
Stagonian left wing |
another view of Stagonian center |
Again the troops from Jeff Hudelson have been brought out to take action on the tabletop.
the first deck saw about 1/2 troops get a move |
Alpian guns boomed out (to no effect due to range) |
Stagonian guns got into motion |
whole columns of Stagonian troops got moving |
with the second deck very few troops moved |
though just enough got to move so as to present a good target |
The Alpian commander 'called' this card #1 in the deck for move 3 |
this was the setup for Zuff |
Stagonia looked to have all the action early on |
indeed two brigades of Stagonia were going forward as planned for the Stagonian commader |
The third 'deck' (cards are used to determine who is moving/shooting), and Alpian commander used his magic (calling out to the gods to tabletop luck) and got the first card he wanted and Zuff shot apart the leading column of Stagonian Knights.
some break-up of the Alpian forces as others did not get to move much |
Zuff - Alpian Pike & Shotte blasted Stagonian knights |
a Stagonian "stupid" commander chose to counter-march his brigade |
other Stagonian horse drive forward to support the Knights |
deck 4 and still more closing on the 'cupcake' towne |
Alpian cannon continued to fire |
victory looks close at hand for Alpia's Queel (ship flag) Pike & Shotte - and if you look at the background you can see the windows into the library lobby where folks can look through to see us playing - we did get a few come in and get a closer view |
many counter-marches would send the Stagonian forces into disarray before the battle would be done |
My camera came out less for a few decks, as they went by rather quickly often only 6 or 10 cards.
Turn 8 was something of a turning point as again nearly the whole table got to move.
now the whole table was in motion |
though Stagonian 'stupid' commander was counter-marching over and over |
there was one Brilliant commander that was keeping the horse moving |
while the others were going in circles |
the artillery action card did not come up in time to stop this charge by Alpian horse |
while the stupid Stagonian commander kept ordering fire into the town |
I have left the last turn (8) photos with the background intact so that you may contrast them with turn nine (9) photos for comparison when I used the painted backdrop to improve the photo shots.
deck (turn) nine (9) was to be the victory point as the Stagonian crossbowmen had finally stormed into the square of the town and taken control over the cupcakes! |
here are the crossbowmen holding the town square |
while behind the town the rest of the Stagonian brigade and their 'stupid' commander continued to counter-march |
Stagonian horse, steeled their nerves to face Alpian Knights and cannon |
while Stagonian foote moved to cover the right flank |
the Alpaian Green Knights were to be the best on the table this day |
while on the Alpian left an entire brigade kept marching so slowly that they never did get into the fight at all |
Stagonian cannon prayed for the ability to get to fire (card driven mechanics are tricky) |
more of the counter-marching Stagonian foote |
both commanders were on the far flanks all battle long, in this case the Stagonian commander was keeping one of his stupid brigadiers 'in-line' so that the troops could keep moving as needed |
the Alpian commander was in a panic! those were Stagonian horse that had just run down the crossbowmen to his left! |
while coming around the town and into the center were even more Stagonian horse |
with two full ranks to support continued charges into Alpian lines! |
Turn nine (9) was the critical moment as the Alpian flank was run over and the Buffoon Alpian brigade retreated off the table (taking three pike & shotte regiments out of the battle).
There was still a chance to deny the town to Stagonia, those Crossbowmen had to be broken.
though the Alpians pushed hard on the crossbowmen in the town, they were not able to push them out |
ultimately Alpian foote did not take any aggressive actions at all in this battle |
the Stagonian crossbows stood firm |
these Alpian Green Knights were able to destroy three full Stagonian troops without losses |
the Stagonian foote was on the hilltop on the Alpian flank, the battle was lost, no cupcakes for Alpia this day |
the second Library engagement