Saturday, September 14, 2024

Casting Progress for Gettysburg complete

 I still may have to generate some more draft horse teams, wagons, artillery or certain officers; possibly a few more slouch hat or kepi infantry (due to breakage in the cleaning process and preparation for painting) and I have used up all the metal I had here along with some casting metal I was gifted at the Wagram game in August.

there they are!
molds on the casting table


I decided to take a photo of the casting works this time as this may be the last mass grouping of castings that I make at our current home - yes moving is in the discussions again.

it was also the end of an era for a tool that
has likely cleaned off 1000s of my miniatures
this flush cutter is a favorite tool for the bulk work
on early stages of the metal miniatures
the handle guards have failed and started causing
pain when used - so a replacement is in hand
and this old veteran was moved on.

Onward and upward in the Gettysburg process, more cleaning/organizing and counting out for the formations of brigades, batteries and commands to come before the painting starts in earnest.  Though if the current move progress holds (needing a contract to get set up before we can be sure) then I'll not likely get into any of that until next year as a move will activate and all my 'free time' vanishes again.

Hope you all had a great summer and can get into some games over the autumn and winter.

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