Wednesday, September 11, 2024

ACW 15mm forces for SHILOH completed

 Time for a grand parade.


an 'Exceptional' army command

the whole formation


army 'Exceptional' command

the whole formation

The tabletop is starting to fill, now I need to double the numbers again ... for Gettysburg.


Jonathan Freitag said...

Very impressive! I am working on pulling together a Shiloh scenario now to refight the early attack on Sherman.

MurdocK said...

Most excellent Jonathan!

I'm hoping to get in a game with these maybe next year, as the time compression of a move now comes into clear focus.

Peter said...

The two armies look absolutely splendid.

Codsticker said...

Awesome work Murdock!

Archduke Piccolo said...

What a mighty array! Looking forward to the narrative. In many ways I think Shiloh one of the most interesting battles of the whole Civil War.

MurdocK said...

Thank YOU!

MurdocK said...

An excellent compliment coming from the terrain master.

Thank you!

MurdocK said...

I'll hopefully get a crack at it early in the new year, though my plans are to see if we can assemble some more troops to represent Day 2 and the Union counter attack.

James Fisher said...

They are superb looking armies David! Beautifully painted and based (and arranged for the photo).
Regards, James

MurdocK said...

Thank you James! It has been a long time (20+ years on hiatus) in coming and now the finish line - if such a thing could be put out there - is in view!