Saturday, March 16, 2019

Mustering the Cornish Horse A Parade - The Petronels

Now that the temperature has come up above 8 degrees Celsius I have been able to gloss coat and then flock the Petronels force for my ECW armies.

I plan to use these as a sort of early or alternate dragoons or 'other horse' category.

They are from the "Wars of Religion" Foundry range and could fill in many different parts of the 30 years war or English Civil War periods.

the full force

Using a different cerulean blue ink to achieve this particular blue, I liked the effect and one of the Royalist Oxford foot will be sporting coats and pants in this color.  I also think that my future Napoleonic Bavarian troops will have this tint for their 'cornflower' uniforms.

A 'red' troop

another dozen gunners to man artillery better than the 'converted' foote that I was using (with their balloon sized tools)

a Green Troop

A 'black' or 'Grey' troop, with few hats and mostly helmets.

The better weather has meant other things need to be done and I am behind on the Oxford Royalist Foote brigade painting is in progress, then the Oxford Royalist Horse brigade are waiting to be finished cleaning.  Finally the 'light' or 'border horse' forces are assembled and will be going under the brush ... though likely there will be a convention, Salute, and other events that will push the border horse into the Autumn.  I still plan to have the Pirate forces and ships done this year so we can get in some GAMES!

The short term game plans are:

March: two runs of the "Fire & Stone" game in preparation for Salute
April:  Salute convention in Burnaby, "Fire & Stone" goes on display and into action.
May: one game session planned - possibly organizing a Tinker Fox campaign to put all the ECW forces into action over the summer?
       : prospective second game session to do a Napoleonic game?

1 comment:

James Fisher said...

A fine parade and most interesting mix of figures David. Top stuff.