Tuesday, December 26, 2023

Community Center event Bull Run 1861 and more from December 2023

 Greetings dear readers!

I wish you all a Happy New Year.

I have been suddenly rather busy from the end of November to just now Boxing Day 2023.

I have finished the video for the community center game and have a little report about it all for you.

We only had a few players for the start, then from about half-way thru the time period onward I was full on with a pair of young men to run armies in the Bull Run 1861 game.

setting up the space for games

I had a number of other systems and
games on hand to speak about what else
we could do for games.

one of the early games involved growing
a forest 'competitively' ...

Then began a part of Bull Run 1861

We were unable to get much past noon for the tabletop action(s) of the 1861 battle, yet the young players are keen to have another go ... this time starting EARLY so that there's time to get more action in.

At least there were players somewhat active the whole day.

I had guests travel and stay overnight that night, then had some family news come in later the following week, that I needed to follow up with immediately during the first two weeks of December.  I'll have more to do with that over the next year or so.  This kept me away from my computer long enough to not be able to make the video and report about the tabletop action at the end of November.

Happy New Year everyone.


Ross Mac rmacfa@gmail.com said...

Happy New Year and well done in getting people playing games. May the venture prosper and grow.

Archduke Piccolo said...

I enjoyed the stop-motion/ time lapse movie! I'm interested in that 'cartoon' effect. What is the story about that?

MurdocK said...

Thank you Archduke Piccolo, I have enjoyed doing the time-lapse videos as it better shows the ebb-and-flow of a tabletop game.

Though I admit my photo taking has dropped off a bit since I am alone running the games and I know that if I spend too much time taking photos it ruins the 'pace' of action.

The comic photos are taken using my cell phone and converted using an app called 'clip2comic', which has also been some fun to use over the past year or so.