Sunday, July 16, 2023

Command & Artillery support

 The coming 1863 'great game' based around the Gettysburg campaign has called for a number of artillery and command extras be brought to the table, so that we might be able to field the whole of the Gettysburg force.

I have been busy painting and completed 10 new US Division commanders and 12 new artillery batteries, that were intended for the Confederate forces of Shiloh.  I shall need to make up seven more now.

top fresh base coat (still wet and shiny)
bottom fresh 'dark' undercoat

A layer of 'damp' light blue for the union
and light tan for the confederate troops
then gets top - under colors
bottom - ink

top - mid tones
bottom - highlights

fully flocked and on bases

Now the final push ... can I get the tags and rules modifications done and printed while at the same time doing up some draft teams for artillery & waggons?

Nothing like a real challenge.

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