Friday, February 19, 2021

18mm AB Crimea Russians III

 The task is done.

Weather co-operated yesterday for matte coating, then time today to get the bases finished.

Stickers are all on as are the flags and pennant, for the Uhlans.

Here they are in a data dump:

the entire army viewed from distance

last moments on the shelf

waiting for super glue to set on their bases


for use as Division commanders

the Division officers have metal stands ...

... so they can 'attach' to the Corps and Army stands

same view all connected, with no photo flash


labelled battery A and B

Pavlovskii Hussars

the command stand is labelled

Litovskii Uhlanen

command stand labelled

with an extra printed pennant

one of four foot brigades

again the command is labelled

another of the four foot brigades, the second one
in the 'hats'

one foot 'division' in hats

third of the four foot brigades, one of two in helmets

the second one in helmets

the 'helmet' Division

one little 'army'

This was a good diversion from the pirates and ECW that I have busied myself with over the past few months.  Got me re-energized for the next stage ... a Brigantine (maybe even some sails for the longboats!)

I leave you with a last few freehand shots of the army.

What have you been painting lately?

you can see the magnetic section of the Corps and
Army command bases


Codsticker said...

They look great Murdock- well done!

Ross Mac said...

Fine looking fellows! No doubt itching for a battle.