Sunday, July 12, 2020

STOKE LANE - Battle quick update

We did the Stoke Lane battle today, using the table in the garden, under 'pop up' covers.

Broadcast was on and the recording worked!

Here is a fast image of a pivotal moment in the battle.

screen capture from the recording of the live game broadcast
Great that we now have all the technology working, and the buildings from Rob looked awesome!

Now I have the tale to tell of the battle, some more pictures to process and a set of some video to see if we can turn it into something intelligent.

wider shot of whole table at the moment when the dragoons were lined up

Thank you Alex for producing and putting up with out little tech hiccups, thank you Rob for coming out with the buildings and doing the church repairs.  Thank you Jeffrey and Chris for taking on the slow roles of running the Parliament attack force.

Only a few raindrops fell on anything and all was dry before coming back inside - only a couple of tiny parts were lost when the minis fell into the grass - nothing major.

All in all a great game day!

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