The plan was to do some connection with both local, regional and international tabletop historical game players and the interested community.
That plan came out in spades!
freeze frame from a hold screen on the third day of games |
I managed to get in three tabletop games in as many days and also connect with game players in a fun and entertaining way.
started with Victory Without Quarter on Friday night:
Table during deck 4 |
same view showing more of the 'tech' to keep the data flowing |
troops view at the end, Alpia was defeated by the Knights and horse of Vile Stagonia driving them back |
the little town became a zone where the two forces swirled |
the sky cloth got a full workout this weekend, as did the streams in my terrain set |
Alpian General Nate was a good sport about the way the cards fell ... |
Saturday was to be the Main Event with a slate of players and viewers from as far away as the UK
The game was a historical battle, Ripple Field, with the Black Powder rules set used Pike & Shotte
table at game start, with the Royalists under Prince Maurice along the north side (where the sky cloth is) and Parliament deployed in some depth behind the small hill in the center of the field |
We had Rob doing the book 'rules lawyer' to keep me honest, as I have not been 100% on the rules set.
Plenty of action on the top of the ridge line as the Royalists CHARGE! hit home |
Big shout out to Rene Charbonneau for taking on the role of Parliament Commander Sir Willam Waller and for accepting to announce 'gamer's GAME ON!' in the same way as he does from the stage at the Salute convention (which was cancelled this weekend) so as to provide an ambience similar to the Burnaby annual event (which Rob and I had won awards at the past two years).
our UK observer asked for a 'flying camera' view of the field and I took this shot at the same time (hence the tripod slightly in view) |
near game end, the Parliament had held the hill! |
both sides were much damaged, the Royalists under Maurice were not able to move forward any further due to losses in the battalia |
a 'troop level' photo that managed to capture the parliament dragoons in great focus |
Rene, as Waller, reversed the historical outcome of Ripple Field |
Then Saturday night was a round-table of discussions about various game topics, we came up with a design to go after a 15mm 'army' for Hordes of the Things - sort of like a Callahan's Cross-Time Saloon meets Game of Thrones meets Rome. Mix it up with whatever 15mm miniatures you have or borrow some from the other players.
There were more laughs and more ideas shared with an interest coming with the game potential once the CV restrictions become relaxed.
Sunday brought out SHAKO II and a Napoleonic tabletop battle with a full set of players who have never faced off before and I had played game with in years past.
table at start of SHAKO 2 meeting engagement |
It was a 1:1 battle, with slight variations in the types of units, under the formation of the Divisions as they would appear historically in 1813.
Chris ably commanded the French, as he had with the Royalists and the Stagonians! Chris certainly takes the top player award for coming out to nearly every event in this improvised game convention.
Nate, down in the USA was the opponent, commanding the Austro-Russians.
French Command |
Austrian Division Commander |
Italian and French artillery in front of the town with some Italian light infantry and a battalion of Irish "Wild Geese" |
After 8 turns of battle, the Russian Division broke and fled the field, leaving the victory to the French at 7-6 final score. |
a view of the forest of my 'weeble trees' with the dead from the advancing Russian columns. |
this was a French 'victory', only at a great cost and in no way a one that could be 'followed up' |
once again, this very first painted "Saxon" French Hussar unit finds itself on the table on the winning side ... could it be a good luck charm? |
I was hoping for some connection and a few laughs with old friends and to find a few new ones.
I had this happen.
I call it a win!
May you find time to game where and when you can. If you are seeking a different possibility contact me as there are some loose plans to do at least some more 'remote' board-games.
Gamers - GAME ON!
Great work getting this up and rolling. I would have tried to play myself but was working at the hospital the whole weekend.
Awesome that you are out there on the front line with your bright mind and kind heart. Dave
Thank you Ross, it was fun to put those Alpian minis from Jeff on the table again.
Very impressive undertaking!
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