Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Out Travelling

I have been away for the past seven weeks traveling, my wife made sure to accurately inform me of the time away, and supporting a friend in need.

a view of the NY Hotel Casino on the Las Vegas strip from the Mustang convertible we had for a rental car.

Along the way I attended a couple of networking events and a business expo/convention.

The one expo in Las Vegas included an encounter with the lady designer of "My Barter Game", which has been designed like Monopoly or Cashflow were to teach about certain business or property concepts; in this case the Barter Money system concept.

The board has a layout like Monopoly, with an 'inner track' similar to Cashflow, though with different uses.

Ana Hawk, the designer and owner of a barter exchange - busy with the teaching task

While I did not win, I also did not come in last ... along the way I came to understand more about barter exchanges

What 'real world' skills have you developed or come to better understanding of via game play?


Archduke Piccolo said...

That sounds very like an interesting exercise in studying the workings of the 'realekonomik'. I've been very interested in economics lately, and have made certain interesting discoveries of my own. One of these is that there probably never was in all human history a purely 'barter' economy: there simply had to be some means of chalking up obligations in lieu of an immediate good or service to exchange for good or service received. I used to wonder why pottery was so frequently exchanged in ancient times. I now think I can guess.

I notice that Ana Hawk retains money as the intermediate exchange medium. That sounds like a considerable advance upon what passes for the Neo-Classical 'economics' drivel that allegedly 'informs' our governments' policy making.

MurdocK said...

Actually, in her game there are two kinds of 'dollars', both barter and cash. (as she called them in the game)