Friday, March 16, 2012


On March 12, the power was out and our boys were 'at home', due to the storm damage knocking out power all over the area. We set the plan to play out a board game together, my youngest asked for the Roman guys game ... he meant "Conquest of the Empire" by Eagle Games.

My youngest was most keen to play it out, indeed he stay with the game will the end of twilight and we used a flashlight to clean up all the pieces.

Here are some 'in game' shots.

The game components are very usable and quickly identifiable, allowing play even for an 8 and 6 year old!

My youngest likes to play wild, here is his Caesar out far from Egyptus (his base) to press into Italy.

Once the Caesars come out to move troops around you know that there has been some battles, because there are fewer Generals to move the troops around.

We ended off the game right near dark, my 8 year old had resigned, his attacks were not working against the fortified cities I had. My youngest laid down his Caesar and shook my hand when he saw that he could not got into my defenses and his ships were sunk.

Fun day with no electricity, great to have the woodstove.

My delay in reporting came due to having to do storm damage assessment and repairs - the few I could ... there are still 20-30% damage to the roof and the insurance people will have to deal with that.


Fitz-Badger said...

I am impressed by your youngest's very sportsmanlike conduct! I know plenty of more "mature" gamers who could learn a thing or 2.

MurdocK said...

Thank you for the comment Fitz!

Marcus, my youngest, was very happy to hear about your praise!