The last group to be painted in time for the coming EYLAU game.

This one contains 4 formations of greatcoat wearing troops in bicornes. I have put them together with 4 flag bearers (some scavenged from broken bits) with the idea that I can paint up the unit, then have 4 different flags, so that I can use the unit as Russian (the actual casting), French (they also had some bicorne troops early in the period and the 'middle guard' wore them as part of relaxed dress), Austrian (also part of a 'relax dress' and some of the German minor nations within the Holy Roman Empire), Spanish or Portugese (some units were really wildly dressed!). I can also use them as British (again very early in the period) since the uniforms for the Russians were acrually supplied by the Brits.

Also being done now are some line grenadiers in greatcoats. I shall be painting them as though they were "Imperial Guard" Grenadiers and Chasseurs; THE OLD GUARD.
Along with the line troops are another 8 batteries of heavy artillery, with their gunners. I am also painting up more Horse Gunners, so that I can properly man the Horse Artillery that I already have.
You can also see the side of a church that needs its steeple completed so that I can paint it as well.
I shall have some more pics of the church later.
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