With 'daddy daycare' continuing to get in the way of painting, I can at least work on my computer & therefore get some of the support materials for the coming EYLAU game done.

I have designed a new card back, since the Russians were not part of the original Eagles game by Columbia Games (where I borrowed the format for the card backs from).

Along the way I have also been working on the card faces as well, in this example an image of Levin Bennigsen has been used. While it was a painting of the Russian general made later in life, it works well in the game context.
Other cards are still being designed, but since I have a few moments while my baby son is sleeping on my chest I thought I could post these.
Painting operations have been done on the minis, but only up to blocking colors, so I will not have all troops ready for the first playtest...sigh.
Do you laminate the cards for the game? I do like this extra bit of detail you throw in - it adds a lot to the game.
Hello Paul (the Grimsby Mariner),
No I do not laminate the cards, I have collector card 'protectors', the really thick ones. I get 25 in a box for $3.00 CDN. This way I can 'customize' the cards for each game and never have to buy anything more than the 'new' faces for the cards.
Though I have added to my workload by re-designing the 'backs' for all the cards...it may be some time before I get them all re-done.
Jeff, of Saxe-bearstien, has given me some more sources of ideas for the cards and I may start to adjust the faces somewhat.
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