Friday, November 13, 2020

Blazing Brushes! Speed painting of horses and earth tones.

 Been a while since my last post, I have been busy editing a how-to video about the horses painting technique and making plans for games in the coming winter (more about that in a future post).

As I am working my way through some more English Civil War era miniatures, this time the video was focused on two Scottish 'officer' model conversions, or more accurately, their horses.

The finished product

The video takes you through all the steps, which I followed in a week long set of painting sessions.

Beginning with bare metal:

bare metal horses
attached to a 'painting stick' for handling
using hot glue

base coat

'wet' white brush

color and ink

other side color and ink

manes and tails

other side of manes and tails - with stockings and blazes

finished product

now in detail with music to watch the process go by

the last step before removing from 'sticks'

coming up more of the painting done this summer and game plans for winter

1 comment:

nundanket said...

That’s a very effective technique. The magic seems to happen at the ink stage.