Wednesday, August 01, 2012

The empty battlefield

... when the French advanced in full panoply of battle on the morning of the 28th, they fount Vitebsk in its turn evacuated by the elusive foe.  

~ D. Chandler, The Campaigns of Napoleon, p.778

Inspired by the imagery of a full army deployed in battle formations, facing nothing but an empty town, I laid out the French forces for such an action, Garden Wars style, and took some shots.

only little specs in the distance from town
An earlier comment on the blog about how small the formations looked when laid out at the Garden Wars scale also made me want to get a shot of the whole formation from the town perspective.

the view of town from the eagle atop the Guard flagpole
Also it gave me a chance to get some new shots of the finished Lancers.

Lancers Polonais in the sunshine
Finally, for now, the shot of a rather sour faced Bonaparte, twice left champing at the bit, while the Russians elude confrontation.

Napoleon Bonaparte and staff, looking at a missed opportunity


Rafael Pardo said...

Very inspiring!
Keep making these little dioramas

James Fisher said...

A brilliant idea Murdock and some brilliant photos; love it!
I have only just 'discovered' your blog, so have put a few links on our 'communal' blog that aims to link wargaming efforts world-wide in these bicentennial years (and beyond). Check it out at

Phil said...

Very unusual, and great photos!

MurdocK said...

Thank you Rafa, James and Phil.

I have a new set of posts planned over the next week.

The Russians have had a parade and the posting will be up soon.

James, I have checked out your other blog and I have long had the plan/idea to do a HUGE Napoleonic campaign via some sort of web approach ... how or what form/shape it would or could take has not been clearly seen yet.