Sunday, June 16, 2024

Great View

 Did some explorations of the viewpoints near where I live.

high up above the semi-official 'viewpoint'
(look closely at the dark speck on the road -
that's our van!)

I've had a number of different projects pulling my attention away from any games activity.

Summertime also brings the lawn care and repairs issues into focus.

This Friday, the 14th I have also decided to run for council in a by-election.

Gonna be a busy summer!

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

15mm ACW project SHILOH Order of Battle painting completed

 The Confederate half of the OOB for Shiloh 1862 is now completed.

I actually finished the painting in May, meaning I managed two divisions in the one month.

ending of painting stage
all flocked


This has been a real labor, with the insert of the Gettysburg game last year, I ended up doing more commanders and Union guns, then needed to get more guns for the Confederate side here ... I'll need to do up the labels and lay out the forces for a final check-in for having the troops.

As it appears that a Napoleon's Battles game will be done this summer, it is unknown if I will get in a Shiloh game with a group this year or not.

bare metal

airbrush black base coat
applied with a brush

dark chocolate
(mix of burnt umber and black)

wet pale tan highlight under layer

color base layer



high lights of grey

all other high lights and metallic

on bare movement stands

fully flocked
(same as title image)

So now I'll need to do much more cleaning in the game space in order to lay out the forces and confirm I have the minimum for Shiloh.

Time also to do some parade ground photos of the collection to date.

Then ... start looking at Gettysburg ...