Sunday, July 02, 2023

More Union forces for ACW - this time with slouch hats


bare metal (top)
base coat (bottom)

dark undercoat (top)
white undercoat (bottom)

block colors (top)
inks (mid)
light mid-range color (bottom)

detail color (top)
matte coating still wet (mid)
on bases - awaiting flocking (bottom)

fully flocked

That completes all the Union forces needed for Shiloh, as we have a possible Gettysburg campaign on the horizon this July, I have put the painting on hold for the Confederates and will be pushing hard to get the final details on the campaign tools and a game into action via email/web.

Look for the volunteers notice coming in this week!


Jonathan Freitag said...

Your campaign sounds interesting.

MurdocK said...

Planning on short & sweet.