Monday, July 22, 2024

Wagram building

 Cod Sticker has been busy putting together the tabletop map for the Wagram simulation that is planned for the coming August.

There are at least three key game players that are pulling this all together, a model painter from Victoria, our own Cod doing terrain and the location host Nate who has a room with desks in it we can use:

reportedly 17' to 10' at the edges
(sheet of 8"1/2 by 11" paper for scale)

Cod has shared a few images of the terrain in progress:

Now with some flocking:

Looking to be a worthy project to run a multi-day game on during the weekend of August 23-25.

Sunday, July 21, 2024

Election over, back to the games


 Hello everyone,

That little local election is over and I ended in a statistical tie for 3rd place, which was just fine by me.

We have a Napoleon's Battles game of Wagram in advanced planning and I'm going to be there for the final day of the game planned in August.

Have a great summer!

Sunday, June 16, 2024

Great View

 Did some explorations of the viewpoints near where I live.

high up above the semi-official 'viewpoint'
(look closely at the dark speck on the road -
that's our van!)

I've had a number of different projects pulling my attention away from any games activity.

Summertime also brings the lawn care and repairs issues into focus.

This Friday, the 14th I have also decided to run for council in a by-election.

Gonna be a busy summer!

Tuesday, June 04, 2024

15mm ACW project SHILOH Order of Battle painting completed

 The Confederate half of the OOB for Shiloh 1862 is now completed.

I actually finished the painting in May, meaning I managed two divisions in the one month.

ending of painting stage
all flocked


This has been a real labor, with the insert of the Gettysburg game last year, I ended up doing more commanders and Union guns, then needed to get more guns for the Confederate side here ... I'll need to do up the labels and lay out the forces for a final check-in for having the troops.

As it appears that a Napoleon's Battles game will be done this summer, it is unknown if I will get in a Shiloh game with a group this year or not.

bare metal

airbrush black base coat
applied with a brush

dark chocolate
(mix of burnt umber and black)

wet pale tan highlight under layer

color base layer



high lights of grey

all other high lights and metallic

on bare movement stands

fully flocked
(same as title image)

So now I'll need to do much more cleaning in the game space in order to lay out the forces and confirm I have the minimum for Shiloh.

Time also to do some parade ground photos of the collection to date.

Then ... start looking at Gettysburg ...

Sunday, May 19, 2024

15mm ACW Project - SHILOH expansion continues

 Hardee's Corps finished.

all flocked and ready for tags then action on the tabletop

bare metal

black base coat

dark 'chocolate' undercoat

damp (or wet) light tan

color undercoat
(note the white E brigade commander horse)

inks done
(note that blue ink was used on the horse)

grey of tunics

grey details

white sections
and musket barrels

tightening up details
I went with mostly brown or dun pants for
this western Confederate force

more details and metallic parts done

matte coating sprayed on

mounted to the movement bases

flocking added

Only three more infantry brigades of Breckenridge (E) 's command remain to be done.

I plan to start them in the next week.

A multi-year process is coming to another milestone... Shiloh!  I may be able to game it this summer?

Tuesday, April 23, 2024

Expanding 15mm Confederates - for Shiloh

 Project continues

this time foot and horse brigades

bare metal

base black

dark brown layer

damp white

color under-coat


This was all done over the easter weekend, so about 30 mins a day.

Then activities picked up fast and the brush spent less time in hand.

ink layer done


hats, muskets and blankets

on bases

all flocked


Since these photos they have had flags put on the three foot brigades and then stored - only two more divisions to go ... then all of SHILOH will be ready for basic action.

I am planning on some more draft horses for gun teams and at least six wagons for supply purposes.

Still on track to get Shiloh minis done this year, then comes figuring out what I need to generate for Gettysburg, casting and preparing.  Let alone that elusive table time with the Shiloh set ...

Tuesday, April 02, 2024

ACW 15mm forces expand for Shiloh

 Started on March 10, by March 21 all the painting was done and the flocking was finished on the 23 of March.

base coat was black
then a dark brown coat
then a 'light brown' (almost white) drybrush
then a color coat (as seen here)

ink layer (fresh and wet still)

base color layer
white on the horses for A.S. Johnston

mid-tones and some details

highlights & metallic parts

off the painting sticks and onto bases

flocking completed

All of these troops are now filed into a Confederate storage space and three brigades of foot and one brigade of horse have been assembled and as I write this, they are at the inked stage.

Moving along on the 15mm ACW project and I can see the light of a Shiloh battlefield coming ... maybe this year?