Wednesday, October 30, 2019

English Civil War battlefield meeting engagement discussion

Over at Grid based wargaming - but not always an interesting tabletop setup system has been advertised.

my new terrain cards ... ready for first action in November 2019

Amazingly enough it is almost exactly what I had designed into my 12"x12" terrain tiles for DBA and Hordes of the Things back in the 1990s.

The difference here is that the terrain is for 'layout' in the open tabletop rather than the grid of squares that my DBA system was.  Since my terrain tiles were fixed in place (for the hills and forest spaces and swampy ground) there was limited 'adjustment' that could be done, though I had put the terrain in an 'off center' location that allowed for the spinning of the terrain tile to move the non-clear space to where it was *more or less* desired.  As a quick throw-down system to complement the quick DBA system it was more than adequate.  The problem was it was so heavy, being made of 3/4" plywood and sand.

So now I shall engage with these new cards and see what comes.

The next game is to 'set-up' our coming ECW campaign idea and see where it all leads.
I think I'll do up the random cards as well and give them a go ...

Next up ECW in November, along with a poker night and a return to Pulp!


Friends Of General Haig said...

An intriguing idea - look forward to seeing how it plays out.

nundanket said...

Looking forward to reading more of this. As the nights draw in gentlemen gather round the gaming table.

Happy All Hallows’ E’en!