Wednesday, September 22, 2021

Pirates in the Dungeon

 Days of Plunder ...


In July, I did a solo day of pirates, testing out the new crew and ships and coming to a better understanding of using ships in the Blood & Plunder system.

the two sloops got to engage each other for the first time

close range battle ensued

the black and red 'pirate' vessel came up the worst

some great photos of the sloops

on fire the 'pirates' were doomed

Then the game was able to be staged in the War Dungeon, in the Nanaimo area.

we started off with a little beach assault scenario
so the players could learn the rules

there were some 'home-spun' ships

the one crew abandoned their crippled ship

while a pair of brigantines did a duel ... the homespun
one coming up very badly mauled

not able to win, the sloop selected open water and evaded


I did the cannon firing wrong, it was upon returning home and re-reading the cannon rules that I realized at least 6 more chances to get hits were missed in the first volley ...

Ah well ... everyone had a good time.


Peter said...

What material are you using for the sea? It looks very effective and has a nice reflective quality.

MurdocK said...

The ocean is done in two parts.

on the bottom is a blue fabric from a roll end, there are two different colors in the 'weave' of this silky fabric, so depending on where the light hits it there could be a light blue reflection or a dark blue reflection. The weave makes the cloth appear to change color slowly from dark to light blue.

on the top is a section of clear plastic that is flexible; again a roll end from Industrial Plastics and Paint, from just after everything re-opened in 2020, so they had plenty of this plastic from doing so many cash registers and other fast 'lash-ups' for 'spit-guards' so the cost was low.

my total for enough to cover a 4'x6' area was $23.

Peter said...
