Sunday, May 23, 2021

Workbench: King of the Tabletop

 I have been a role-player in times past, including AD&D, and played the little game from Dragon Magazine #77: King of the Tabletop.

I found a copy online a decade ago and printed the pieces and parts and stuck them to foam core, my sons and I all played it a few times.  Trouble is that the parts wear so much that we cannot read them properly.

So this spring when I discovered these neat thin wood pieces at a local dollar store I decided to re-do my set of pieces and make them personal.

the 'troops' for King of the Tabletop

the full set, just finished painting

now gloss varnished

I decided to use hexagon shapes for the 'terrain tiles' since they are not pulled from a bag randomly.

I also had some coin molds, so I busily cast up all the coins needed for a full game and painted them all gold.

Terrain and heroes along with gold
from the original set


Sometime this summer we shall have to go back to the tabletop to determine a KING.


Prufrock said...

Very cool!

Ross Mac said...

Excellent blend of local materials and creativity.