Saturday, January 30, 2021

Alpian Wars - Stagonia WINS AGAIN!

 The last action of 2020, for my broadcast table with an online player was an Alpian Wars matchup again using the wonderful Blood Axe miniatures of Jeff.

Nate took command of fair Alpia, leaving me to run the vile Stagonians.

We used the terrain generator cards, as created by Grid Based Wargames, and came up with a stream bend, town without walls, fields without walls a woods and a couple of hills.  Done in 30 seconds.

opening field situation, Stagonia bottom left, Alpia top right

Alpian foote hold a hill and extend into the center
of the field

early battle saw Stagonian Knights hit hard

the Alpian foot only just held on ...

while the second line - of Alpian knights become
disordered by the fleeing foote

 I had the video recorder going, yet at the moment having troubles getting either images or a time-lapse of the game ... at least I did take some more photos.

It was 'deck' or 'shuffle' four that had the next most interesting events.  Each unit and commander has a card in a deck that includes re-loads and a 'turn end' card that starts the 're-shuffle' process ... so no one really knows for sure if they are going to get to move at all or not.

Stagonian command

Alpian horse

the Alpian horse were met by some Stagonian horse

on the flank Alpian foote held back Stagonian knights

the right flank was busy with Stagonian foote
moving forward ...

 Again a few more 'deck shuffles' happened before I ran the camera.

by deck 8 the situation was clear ...
fair Alpia was not going to hold the field much longer

Stagonian foote had pressed back Alpian horse in the town

all Alpian commanders were pressed into action
to support the foote in holding the line versus the
Stagonian Knights

endless volleys were fired

pushing back some Stagonians

though not on the right flank, which stormed the town

a massed Stagonian volley leaving only an Alpian
brigadier to hopefully withdraw, as his
horse had already withdrawn

it seemed no rally efforts were working any more
for the Alpian horse

Alpian commander could not move to help the horse
as he was already committed to the foote

the Stagonian High Command were clearly triumphant
with the Knights leading the way

Alpian knights just did not manage to get into action
without becoming bogged down with their own
foote in the way of attack or retreat.


Did one more video processing and had the time-lapse of the game come through.

Let me know if you like the video clips or time-lapses from the past few games.

I am curious to know if I want to continue doing the processing.




Ross Mac said...

Oh dear. Not again! Still, Alpia shall never give up!

Codsticker said...

Lol, I never won as Stagonia; it didn't matter what set of rules or the era- Alpia always won.

I didn't listen with sound- is there some explanation during set up before the game gets going?

MurdocK said...

No commentary on the time lapse video in this game.

I am experimenting with different video parts for each game to see what tells the story better.